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Digital Payment Platforms

Digital Payments Transformation solutions for complete transaction life cycle management.


Integrated Payments Bot

Automate routine transactions & Integrate with your customer’s favorite collaboration & communication platforms like Slack to handle phone, electricity, water bills and more.

AI Wallet

Smart bot that notifies user with insights about their digital financial behavior, and helps them make better financial decisions. Remind customers when their subscriptions transition from free to paid.

In-Game Payments Bot

Players can communicate with the bots within their video games to perform specific actions such as ‘making a payment’ or ‘displaying a transaction’.

Quiz Bot

Chat-based, gamified quiz tied to ‘play & win’ rewards, with leaderboards for improving the user’s engagement and overall stickiness with the product..

Self-Service Bot

Take your knowledge base content across all possible customer channels — your website, mobile app, or even chat.

Operations Bot

Manage simple workflows in HR, Operations & Ticket Management to reduce dependency on stressed resources.


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