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Transform the virtual classroom, from online enrollment & digital coursework to interactive learning environments.


SaaS Learning Platform

Create the perfect environment for a virtual classroom that offers seamless access to information, easily shareable data and multi-user collaboration tracking

Interactive Choice-based RPG

Online educational role-playing games (RPG) that aims to make classroom management simpler for teachers and puts students in charge of their own learning & fosters smarter collaboration.

AR Apps for Classroom

Make educational content richer and more engaging by providing interactive stories and by recreating 3D models of any object to add visual support for all your lesson needs.

Course Info & Enrollment Bot

Engaging lead generation bot that answers questions to potential students about the courses they are interested in, and allows them to easily register & enroll for courses.

Assisted Learning Bot

Take your classroom content across all possible channels — your website, mobile app, or even chat, and adapt/personalize lectures, based on the students’ areas of weakness.

Operations Bot

Manage simple workflows in HR, Operations & Ticket Management to reduce dependency on stressed resources.

Gamified Feedback bot

Capture course feedback and rate teachers on their performance evaluation attributes, to score the effectiveness of the class and the student’s learning behavior.


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