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The Smart Clock – Mantra’s IoT Experiment.

IoT is emerging as a disruptive technology and is growing significantly, as consumers, businesses, and governments recognize the benefit of connecting inert devices to the internet.

With breakneck speed, the Internet of Things (IoT) has branched out of the B2B and industrial markets where its concept first took root and exploded into the consumer market in a major way. IoT extends beyond just “smart homes,” that can gather useful data and automate some of our everyday activities. It seems like almost every consumer device will be equipped with IoT connectivity. It joins sensors, devices, data and connectivity together to make the Internet a mesh of Things which can interact, exchange, act with intelligence and transfers data inside networks. Though it is still evolving but it’s promising and pragmatic applications are seen in all verticals, there are already a number of consumer products that use the IoT technology.

With companies joining this new epoch in technology, we also are building our “Smart Clock” (right now in prototype), which is inspired by Ingrein Clock (a kickstarted project).

For Quick Prototyping we started with readymade circuit boards Raspberry PI / Arduino /,  including various sensors to have a fair idea about the components and modules required to build the final product . We also started minifying the board and breaking down the circuit to absolute components that are required in building Smart Clock. Before proceeding further let us know

  • What is Raspberry PI?
    It’s a mini computer with GPIO pins. The device is quite powerful and is able to run complete Operating Systems like Linux. It simplifies a lot of hardware and software specs altogether.
    We just need to connect any hardware module to the GPIO pins and then program Raspberry (in any language) though Python has a lot of libraries for raspberry.

The device will cost around 2-3K. One can get started using Raspberry PI soon.

  • What is Arduino?
    Arduino Board has a micro-controller and a set of digital and analog I/O pins to communicate with other hardware devices.
    Arduino is more hardware oriented since it does not come up with installed Operating System.Arduino also provides you its own programming development toolkit where you could submit your code and the software mounts the code to micro-controller. We do not have language choices here but one must know the basics of C++. We can turn this Arduino into any smart device we want to and we can use multiple sensors. Optimized-IMG_20160726_153747

While building this Smart Clock, we did couple of experiments on Raspberry PI and Arduino. For example, we face problem to check whether the meeting room is empty or not, for that we added PIR motion sensors to Raspberry PI and programmed it in Python.

The next task was to exchange data between Raspberry PI and server so one could get the status of the room from his mobile. We implemented Mqtt/Mosca for this (node.js). Now if there was any motion, the PI would send a message to the server and the same could be retrieved on the mobile. This was a simple exercise just to get started.

The next current task we are doing is trying to put minimal required components and sensors together to build a Smart Clock (expected to be changed). Optimized-IMG_20160726_154021

Mantra’s Smart Clock:
A smart clock could read your notification alerts and check other daily tasks.

Currently we have picked one feature that is the clock could tell whether someone from the family is about to arrive. For example at evening, if you are coming from office, as soon as you are near your home- around 200-400 metres away, the clock would notify about your incoming and hence someone at your home could start preparing beforehand whatever you want – food/snacks etc. The clock will be connected to internet and will come with an app that keeps pushing user state to the servers.IMG_20160726_153904

Smart Clock quick points:
– Connectivity: the clock will come with an app which will be used
to connect with clock using Bluetooth. The clock will be configured
using this app such as connecting it with internet and other basic
– Currently we are only focusing on very few activities such as
notifying family members about activities such as notifying member is about to arrive ,
weather and app notifications

Prototype Technical Specification:

Connectivity: Bluetooth/Wifi
Sensors:          PIR motion detector
Board:             RaspberryPI/Arduino

The project is currently under progress. We are customizing the circuit board with lesser components, what are needed only.

For a complete updates on “Smart Clock” and other latest technology, approach Mantra Labs at


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Bringing Interfaces to Life: The role of animation in UI and UX

Interfaces are everywhere. The user experience encompasses the overall experience a user has while interacting with a product or service. Animation, in the context of UI and UX design, involves adding motion to these visual elements to create a more engaging and intuitive user experience. Animation may serve a functional purpose by guiding users or providing feedback.

Think of motion as a design tool in your UX journey. It should help achieve the user’s goals or contribute in some way to enhance the experience. Animation shouldn’t be distracting or excessive. In other words, if it gets in the way of the user accomplishing a task or takes up more seconds for what should be a quick task, then it becomes unnecessary and annoying.

One common example of animation in UI design is the loading spinner. Instead of staring at a static screen while waiting for a page to load, a spinning animation lets users know that something is happening in the background. This simple animation helps manage user expectations and reduces frustration.

Introducing animations to the interface serves a psychological purpose as well. One aspect involves ensuring users remain informed throughout their interaction, minimizing ambiguity. Uncertainty can lead to user anxiety; for instance, if a page is loading without any interface feedback, incorporating a micro animation can be beneficial in providing reassurance. Although not all problems may need animations, adding them increases their appeal.

In recent years, several applications have pushed the boundaries of animation in UI and UX design. One notable example is the Duolingo app, which uses playful animations and interactive elements to make language learning fun and engaging. Interactive animations can gamify the user experience, making mundane tasks more engaging and Duolingo has used this to its advantage. Another example is the Headspace app, which employs calming animations and transitions to create a serene user experience. 

Let’s look at Duolingo’s application which embraces animation to engage the user’s attention. It keeps users hooked and gives them the comfort of gamification. This not only makes the information more visually appealing but also helps users quickly understand the current stage. It keeps the user hooked throughout the level with its cute animations.

Credits: Kim Lyons 

Additionally, captivating animations can also serve to promote and enhance the appeal of your product. 

Micro-animations extend beyond just the gamification of applications; they can also be leveraged to enrich the aesthetics and express the essence of your product. They contribute to making your website feel more alive and interactive, elevating the overall user experience.


In essence, animation in UI and UX design is not merely about adding visual flair, it’s about creating meaningful interactions that enhance user engagement and satisfaction. From improving usability to expressing brand identity and personality, animation has the potential to transform digital interfaces into dynamic and memorable experiences. Whether it’s guiding users through a process or providing feedback animation, it has the power to elevate the overall user experience. Next time you witness animation appreciate the magic that brings it to life, you might just be amazed by its impact.

About the Author: 

Shivani Shukla is a Senior UI & UX designer at Mantra Labs. It’s been a while since she started her journey as a designer. Updating her knowledge and staying up to date with the current trends has always been her priority.


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