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Latest Trends in JavaScript Frameworks for 2015 – 2016.

While we are about to step in 2016, everyone is predicting what the next Web development trend is going to be in 2016, as Web Development is a rapidly evolving and changing. We saw plenty of trends in 2015 some of which we are going to carry forward and some new trends are predicted for 2016.

If you want to build better audience in terms of numbers and quality and generate improved sales by extracting all the benefits of the web, you need to be part of most modern Web Development trends of JavaScript Frameworks. Here we have picked some of the JavaScript frameworks that you should know in 2016 to stay ahead and more approachable.

1. Angular.js
AngularJS, the baby of Google, is the big daddy of JavaScript frameworks.
It currently boasts the biggest community of developers and is the most used JavaScript framework for developing Single Page Web Applications. AngularJS framework gives superpowers to HTML by adding all the necessary features required to build dynamic views (interactive user interface). It gives option to extend HTML attributes by the use of Angular directives. Two-way data binding is at the core of Angular.js. This essentially takes away all the pain of writing manual code for DOM manipulation. Earlier this year Angular-2 was released as a development preview. It is a total rewrite of Angular 1 and according to us is a great improvement over old. It is almost guaranteed to become the enterprise framework of choice once it is released.

React.js JavaScript Framework
is behind the user interface of Facebook as well and Instagram. This gives us a quick idea about how powerful is ReactJS in building large scale applications of extreme dynamic nature. ReactJS is best at rendering complex user interfaces with high performance. The basic fundamental behind React is the concept of virtual DOM. ReactJS utilizes a virtual DOM, which can be rendered either at client side or server side and communicate back and forth. The community is growing rapidly ever since its release and I must say it is the fastest growing JavaScript framework as of today. One can find tons of resources, tutorials and React component libraries to get going within no time.

3. Ember.js
EmberJS is another powerful MVC JavaScript framework. EmberJS competes with the likes of Angular and React when it comes to building interactive frontend user interfaces and also has a very active community of developers. Ember also rides on the principal of two-way data binding like AngularJS. Ember is coming up with Fastboot.js module that allows server side rendering of DOM, the concept similar to what React is already using for better performance in complex UI rendering. Ember targets the best of both AngularJS (two-way data binding) and ReactJS (server side rendering). The way Ember community continues to power it with awesome features, we are more than sure that it will continue to ride the growing wave of JavaScript Frameworks in 2016.

For the existing developers who work in Durandal or Angular1 and 2, Aurelia comes with a clear migration path. AureliaJS is new but if you are evaluating a JavaScript Framework, it definitely needs a consideration. It is managed by highly professional community. A power fact about AureliaJS is that it is highly modularized and comprises of many independent small libraries. One can use entire framework in the project, use few of the required libraries, or extend the selected libraries to create custom framework. Aurelia is self-contained package and doesn’t have any external dependencies except for poly-fills.

5. Meteor.js
MeteorJS is the magical full stack platform for building end to end mobile and web applications completely in JavaScript at lightning speed. MeteorJS is the power player and comes equipped with all the features you need for front-end rendering, back-end development, business logic and database management. The best thing about MeteorJS is that you use only JavaScript for end to end application development, no need to invest time learning anything else. Meteor.JS is modular and the packages and libraries can be used on demand. The server side packages run in the node.js and you do not need anything else but MeteorJS packages to access the database, all in JavaScript, this makes MeteorJS applications real time web applications. MeteorJS ecosystem has grown huge at rapid pace and the community too is vibrant and helpful.

6. Backbone.js
The popularity and power of backbone can be judged from the fact that biggies like Pinterest, Foursquare, Walmart, Disqus and Delicious are using backone.js. The good thing about backbone is that it is simple, small size package and easy to learn. You can get started building apps with Backbone JavaScript Framework within no time. Backbone is very flexible in a way that it comes with just the minimal and you can build anything on top of it, by writing your own code or by using third party JavaScript frameworks. One can even build a fully functional opinionated framework with backbone at the core. With comparatively slow growth as compared to the rivals Angular, Ember or the newly launched React. It is still useful but more as a side framework rather than the core framework of your web project.

7. Knockout.js
Knockout works under the MVVM design paradigm
and that makes it a little different from Ember and Angular. Knockout as of now it is growing at a much slower pace as compared to the earlier competitors like Angular, Ember or Backbone. The slow growth is simply because it lags way behind in terms of improvements and adding more features, still it is used by many developers as side framework.

8. Sails.JS
Sails.JS make it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps. It is designed to mimic the MVC pattern of frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the requirements of modern apps: data-driven APIs with scalable, service-oriented architecture. It’s especially good for building chat, real time dashboards, or multiplayer games. It is popular in developers as it holds many ends for them in developing.

9. Vue.js
VueJs is relatively new and is gaining lot of traction among the community of developers. VueJs works with MVVM design paradigm and has a very simple API. VueJs demonstrate minimalism to the extreme and allows you to use selective modules, as required. VueJS is inspired by AngularJS, ReactiveJS, knockoutJS and RivetsJS and updates model and view via two-way data binding. While Vue is not in the league of Angular or Ember but conceptually has all the potential to be the JavaScript framework of future and hold respectable market share. It is holding the ground firmly after 10 months of its release and getting regular updates by the creator, Evan You.

10. Mercury.js
Mercury.JS is fast growing in popularity and is getting lot of attention from the community of JavaScript Developers. Mercury appears to be inspired by react and runs on the concept of virtual DOM rendering. It is modern JavaScript framework, fully modular and can be used to the extent you need. Looking at the underlying concepts, compact size, modular approach, performance and popularity, Mercury makes its place in list of best JavaScript frameworks of modern times.

The frameworks mentioned are among the best JavaScript Frameworks in the market that will continue to rule in 2016. JavaScript frameworks have become the default choice for creating complex user interfaces, specifically for Single Page Web Applications and make dynamic and much more useful and fast. Let us know your experience with frameworks and the framework of your choice via comments.


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CX Innovations in Healthcare: Doctor Engagement Strategies in the USA

The importance of customer experience (CX) in healthcare cannot be overstated. A positive CX is crucial not only for patient satisfaction but also for the overall efficiency and success of healthcare providers. One critical aspect of CX in healthcare is doctor engagement, which refers to the strategies and practices used to involve doctors in the healthcare delivery process actively.

Doctor engagement is essential for several reasons. Firstly, engaged doctors are more likely to be committed to their work, leading to better patient care and outcomes. Secondly, effective doctor engagement can improve communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals, enhancing the quality of healthcare services. Finally, engaged doctors can provide valuable insights and feedback, helping healthcare organizations to continuously improve their services and adapt to changing patient needs.

State of Doctor Engagement: Pre-Innovation Era

Traditionally, doctor engagement in healthcare was primarily focused on face-to-face interactions and personal relationships. Doctors were engaged through regular meetings, conferences, and direct communication with hospital administrators and other healthcare staff. While these methods were effective to some extent, they had several limitations.

One major limitation was the lack of scalability. As healthcare organizations grew and the number of doctors increased, it became challenging to maintain the same level of personal engagement with each doctor. Additionally, traditional engagement methods were often time-consuming and resource-intensive, making them unsustainable in the long term.

Another limitation was the lack of data-driven insights. Traditional engagement practices relied heavily on anecdotal evidence and personal experiences, which did not always provide a complete or accurate picture of doctor engagement levels. This made it difficult for healthcare organizations to measure the effectiveness of their engagement strategies and identify areas for improvement.

Furthermore, the pre-innovation era of doctor engagement often lacked customization and flexibility. Engagement strategies were typically one-size-fits-all, failing to account for the diverse needs and preferences of individual doctors. This lack of personalization could lead to disengagement among doctors who felt that their unique contributions and perspectives were not being valued.

Emerging Problems and the Need for Innovation

As the healthcare industry continued to evolve, several emerging problems highlighted the need for innovation in doctor engagement strategies. One significant issue was the increasing complexity of healthcare delivery. With advancements in medical technology and the growing diversity of patient needs, doctors were required to navigate more complex treatment options and care protocols. Traditional engagement methods often fell short in providing the support and resources needed to manage this complexity effectively.

Another problem was the rising demand for healthcare services, fueled by factors such as an aging population and the prevalence of chronic diseases. This increased demand put pressure on doctors, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction. Without effective engagement strategies, healthcare organizations struggle to retain skilled doctors and maintain high levels of patient care.

The digital transformation of healthcare also posed challenges for doctor engagement. The adoption of electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and other digital tools required doctors to adapt to new ways of working. However, the lack of proper training and support for these digital tools often led to frustration and resistance among doctors, hindering their engagement.

Moreover, the shift towards value-based care, which focuses on patient outcomes rather than the volume of services provided, required a more collaborative approach to healthcare. Traditional doctor engagement methods were not always conducive to fostering teamwork and shared decision-making, making it difficult to align doctors with the goals of value-based care.

These emerging problems underscored the need for innovative solutions that could address the changing dynamics of healthcare delivery and support effective doctor engagement in the modern era.

Innovative Solutions: Transforming Doctor Engagement

In response to these challenges, a range of innovative solutions emerged to transform doctor engagement in healthcare. One key innovation was the development of digital platforms and tools designed specifically for doctor engagement. These platforms provided a centralized hub for communication, collaboration, and access to resources, making it easier for doctors to connect with their peers and stay informed about the latest developments in their field.

Another significant innovation was the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in doctor engagement. By analyzing data on doctor behavior, preferences, and performance, healthcare organizations could gain insights into what drives doctor engagement and tailor their strategies accordingly. AI-powered tools could also help identify patterns and trends in doctor engagement, enabling proactive interventions to prevent disengagement.

Gamification techniques were also applied to doctor engagement, leveraging the principles of game design to make engagement activities more interactive and rewarding. For example, doctors could earn points or badges for participating in training sessions, contributing to research, or achieving certain performance metrics. This approach helped to motivate doctors and make engagement more enjoyable.

In addition, there was a growing emphasis on personalized engagement strategies that recognized the individual needs and preferences of doctors. Personalized communication, tailored training programs, and flexible engagement options allowed doctors to engage in ways that suited their unique circumstances and preferences.

These innovative solutions represented a significant shift in how healthcare organizations approached doctor engagement. By leveraging technology, data, and personalization, they could create more effective and sustainable engagement strategies that address the challenges of modern healthcare delivery.

To illustrate the impact of these innovative solutions, let’s examine some case studies of healthcare organizations that have successfully implemented new doctor engagement strategies:

Digital Collaboration Platform

A large hospital system introduced a digital collaboration platform for its doctors. This platform allowed physicians to easily communicate with each other, share knowledge, and access patient information securely. As a result, the hospital saw improved coordination among doctors, leading to better patient outcomes and increased doctor satisfaction. A real-world example can be given of Connect2Clinic, a doctors’ portal developed by Mantra Labs for Alkem Labs. The solution allows doctors to manage their patients efficiently with lots of handy features and effectively run operations. It is a complete clinic management solution.

AI-Driven Feedback Tool

Another healthcare provider implemented an AI-driven tool that collected and analyzed feedback from doctors in real time. This tool helped identify areas for improvement in hospital operations and doctor support services. By addressing these issues promptly, the healthcare provider was able to enhance doctor engagement and reduce turnover rates.

Personalized Learning Programs

A specialty clinic developed personalized learning programs for its doctors, offering courses and resources tailored to their interests and career goals. This approach led to higher participation rates in training programs and a more engaged medical staff who felt valued and supported in their professional development.

Challenges and Considerations in Implementing Innovations

While innovative solutions for doctor engagement offer numerous benefits, healthcare organizations may encounter challenges in their implementation. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Resistance to Change: Doctors, like any other professionals, may resist new technologies or processes. Addressing concerns, providing adequate training, and demonstrating the value of innovations are crucial steps in overcoming resistance.
  2. Integration with Existing Systems: New engagement tools must seamlessly integrate with existing healthcare systems, such as EHRs, to avoid disruption and ensure smooth operation.
  3. Data Privacy and Security: With the increased use of digital platforms, protecting patient and doctor data is paramount. Healthcare organizations must adhere to strict data privacy regulations and ensure robust security measures are in place.
  4. Cost and Resource Allocation: Implementing new technologies can be costly. Organizations must carefully plan their budgets and resources to support the adoption of innovative engagement strategies.
  5. Measuring Impact: It’s essential to have metrics in place to evaluate the effectiveness of engagement initiatives. Regular monitoring and adjustment of strategies based on data are necessary for long-term success.

Future of Doctor Engagement in Healthcare

Looking ahead, the future of doctor engagement in healthcare is likely to be shaped by ongoing technological advancements and evolving healthcare needs. Here are some potential trends:

  1. Increased Use of Telemedicine: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telemedicine. This trend is expected to continue, offering new opportunities for engaging doctors remotely.
  2. Personalized Engagement Platforms: As technology advances, we can expect more sophisticated platforms that offer personalized engagement experiences for doctors, tailored to their individual needs and preferences.
  3. Collaborative Healthcare Ecosystems: The future may see more integrated and collaborative healthcare ecosystems, where doctors, patients, and other stakeholders are closely connected through digital platforms, enhancing engagement and communication.
  4. Focus on Well-being: With growing awareness of doctor burnout, future engagement strategies may place a greater emphasis on supporting doctors’ well-being and work-life balance.
  5. Leveraging AI and Machine Learning: These technologies will continue to play a significant role in analyzing engagement data, predicting trends, and providing insights for improving doctor engagement strategies.

As healthcare continues to evolve, staying ahead of these trends and adapting engagement strategies accordingly will be crucial for healthcare organizations seeking to foster a highly engaged and motivated medical workforce.

Doctor engagement is a critical component of delivering high-quality healthcare. As the healthcare landscape evolves, so too must the strategies for engaging doctors. The innovations discussed in this blog, from digital collaboration platforms to personalized learning programs, offer promising solutions to the challenges of doctor engagement in the modern era.

The success stories and data presented highlight the tangible benefits of these innovative strategies, including improved patient outcomes, increased doctor satisfaction, and enhanced operational efficiency. However, healthcare organizations must navigate challenges such as resistance to change, data privacy concerns, and the integration of new technologies with existing systems.


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