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Angular-2 – Developers Preview

Angular 2 is a big upgrade from Angular 1. It is a framework for mobile apps and can be used for desktop as well. Like Angular 1, Angular 2 (currently in alpha) is built on a set of concepts that are used throughout the framework and they would be used directly or, indirectly while writing applications.

Angular 2 separates updating the application model and reflecting the state of the model in the view into two distinct phases. The developer is responsible for updating the application model. Angular, by means of change detection, is responsible for reflecting the state of the model in the view. The framework does it automatically on every VM turn.

Angular 2 Features:

Component-based UI
Angular is adopting a component-based UI, a concept that might be familiar to React developers. In a sense, the Angular 1.x controllers and directives blur into the new Angular 2 Component. This means that in Angular 2 there are no controllers and no directives. Instead, a component has a selector which corresponds to the html tag that the component will represent and View to specify an HTML template for the component to populate.

User Input with the Event Syntax
Angular 2 applications now respond to user input by using the event syntax. The event syntax is denoted by an action surrounded by parenthesis (event). You can also make element references available to other parts of the template as a local variable using the #var syntax.

Goodbye $scope
Even though ‘$scope’ has been replaced by “controller as” as a best practice since Angular 1.2, it still lingers in many tutorials. Angular 2 finally kills it off, as properties are bound to components.

Better Performance
With an ultra fast change detection and  immutable data structures, Angular 2 promises to be both faster and more memory efficient. Also, the introduction of uni-directional data flow, popularized by Flux, helps to ease some of the concern in debugging performance issues with an Angular app. This also means no more two-way data binding which was a popular feature in Angular 1.x. Not to worry, even though ng-model is no more, the same concept can be solved in a similar way with Angular 2.CWcQuqmWsAE8UKK

In any front-end web, frameworks is the technique used for change detection. Angular 2 adds a powerful and much flexible technique to detect changes on the objects used in the application. In Angular 1, the only way the framework detects changes, is through dirty checking. Whenever digest cycle runs in Angular 1, the framework checks for changes on all objects bound to the view and it applies the changes wherever they are needed. The same technique is used for any kind of objects. In AngularJS 2, we don’t have a chance to leverage the powers available in objects – like observable and immutable. Angular 2 opens this channel by providing a change detection system that understands the type of the object being used.

In addition, the change detectors in Angular 2 follow a tree structure to detect changes. This makes the system predictable and it reduces the time taken to detect changes.

If plain JavaScript objects are used to bind data on the views, Angular 2 has to go through each node and check for changes on the nodes, with each browser event. Though it sounds similar to the technique in Angular 1 but the checks happen very fast as the system has to parse a tree in a known order. If we use Observables or, Immutable objects instead of the plain mutable objects, the framework understands them and provides better change detection.

Angular 2 is written from the ground-up using the latest features available in the web ecosystem and it brings several significant improvements over the framework’s older version. While it retires a number of Angular 1 features, it also adopts a number of core concepts and principles from an older version of the framework.angular-2-better-or-worse-26-638-1

Short Summary:

  • Angular 2 separates updating the application model and updating the view.
  • Event bindings are used to update the application model.
  • Change detection uses property bindings to update the view. Updating the view is unidirectional and top-down. This makes the system a lot more predictable and performant.
  • Angular 2 embraces unidirectional data-flow.
  • You can use the same mindset when building Angular 1.x applications.

The team has collaborated with the TypeScript team at Microsoft, both the teams are working really hard to create a great framework and they are also working with TC39 team to make JavaScript a better language. The best is yet to come and hence the future is going to be exciting for all developers.

In case, you have any queries on Angular 2 framework, feel free to approach us on, our developers are here to clear confusions and it might be a good choice based on your business and technical needs.


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10 Analytics Tools to Guide Data-Driven Design

Analytics are essential for informing website redesigns since they offer insightful data on user behavior, website performance, and areas that may be improved. Here is a list of frequently used analytics tools to guide data-driven design that can be applied at different stages of the website redesign process. 

Analytics Tools to Guide Data-Driven Design

1. Google Analytics:

Use case scenario: Website Audit, Research, Analysis, and Technical Assessment
Usage: Find popular sites, entry/exit points, and metrics related to user engagement by analyzing traffic sources, user demographics, and behavior flow. Recognize regions of friction or pain points by understanding user journeys. Evaluate the performance of your website, taking note of conversion rates, bounce rates, and page load times.

2. Hotjar:

Use case scenario: Research, Analysis, Heat Maps, User Experience Evaluation
Usage: Use session recordings, user surveys, and heatmaps to learn more about how people interact with the website. Determine the high and low engagement regions and any usability problems, including unclear navigation or form abandonment. Utilizing behavior analysis and feedback, ascertain the intentions and preferences of users.

3. Crazy Egg:
Use case scenario: Website Audit, Research, Analysis
Usage: Like Hotjar, with Crazy Egg, you can create heatmaps, scrollmaps, and clickmaps to show how users interact with the various website elements. Determine trends, patterns, and areas of interest in user behaviour. To evaluate various design aspects and gauge their effect on user engagement and conversions, utilize A/B testing functionalities.

4. SEMrush:

Use case scenario: Research, Analysis, SEO Optimization
Usage: Conduct keyword research to identify relevant search terms and phrases related to the website’s content and industry. Analyze competitor websites to understand their SEO strategies and identify opportunities for improvement. Monitor website rankings, backlinks, and organic traffic to track the effectiveness of SEO efforts.

5. Similarweb:
Use case
scenario: Research, Website Traffic, and Demography, Competitor Analysis
Usage: By offering insights into the traffic sources, audience demographics, and engagement metrics of competitors, Similarweb facilitates website redesigns. It influences marketing tactics, SEO optimization, content development, and decision-making processes by pointing out areas for growth and providing guidance. During the research and analysis stage, use Similarweb data to benchmark against competitors and guide design decisions.

6. Moz:
Use case scenario: Research, Analysis, SEO Optimization
Usage: Conduct website audits in order to find technical SEO problems like missing meta tags, duplicate content, and broken links. Keep an eye on a website’s indexability and crawlability to make sure search engines can access and comprehend its material. To find and reject backlinks that are spammy or of poor quality, use link analysis tools.

7. Ahrefs:
Use case scenario:
Research, Analysis, SEO Optimization

Usage: Examine the backlink profiles of your rivals to find any gaps in your own backlink portfolio and possible prospects for link-building. Examine the performance of your content to find the most popular pages and subjects that appeal to your target market. Track social media activity and brand mentions to gain insight into your online reputation and presence.

8. Google Search Console:

Use case scenario: Technical Assessment, SEO Optimization
Usage: Monitor website indexing status, crawl errors, and security issues reported by Google. Submit XML sitemaps and individual URLs for indexing. Identify and fix mobile usability issues, structured data errors, and manual actions that may affect search engine visibility.

9. Adobe Analytics:
Use case scenario:
Website Audit, Research, Analysis,
Usage: Track user interactions across multiple channels and touchpoints, including websites, mobile apps, and offline interactions. Segment users based on demographics, behavior, and lifecycle stage to personalize marketing efforts and improve user experience. Utilize advanced analytics features such as path analysis, cohort analysis, and predictive analytics to uncover actionable insights.

10. Google Trends:

Use case scenario: Content Strategy, Keyword Research, User Intent Analysis
Usage: For competitor analysis, user intent analysis, and keyword research, Google Trends is used in website redesigns. It helps in content strategy, seasonal planning, SEO optimization, and strategic decision-making. It directs the production of user-centric content, increasing traffic and engagement, by spotting trends and insights.

About the Author:

Vijendra is currently working as a Sr. UX Designer at Mantra Labs. He is passionate about UXR and Product Design.


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