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From Nerves to Sucess: My First Client Presentation

Greetings to all my inquisitive designers and dedicated blog readers. Within this post, I’m excited to recount my first client presentation. It’s quite an amusing tale if I do say so myself.

In March, I started working on a project as a junior UI/UX designer, collaborating closely with a senior designer. Upon receiving the Business Requirements Document (BRD) from the client, its contents initially left me confused. Nonetheless, I diligently commenced work on the project following the provided instructions.

Initially, my focus was on the agent portal. However, my senior designer later reassigned me to the back office admin portal, which comprises four distinct modules. I initiated my work on the first module, specifically the back office admin segment. The senior designer informed me that, in this compact module, we would only be incorporating 2 to 3 menus on the dashboard. 

When I initially began the development of the back office module, I delved into the Business Requirements Document (BRD) and discovered a multitude of menus outlined within it. I meticulously organized these menus and set to work on them. Approximately 8 days into the project, my senior inquired, “Madhuri, how long will it take you to wrap up this module? It appears to have taken quite some time.” At that juncture, I had successfully crafted a comprehensive dashboard along with three distinct menus, complete with their respective detailed screens. When I presented my progress to him, he expressed his astonishment, remarking, “I never envisioned this module to be of such substantial scale!” What compounded the challenge was the lack of available references, with the module encompassing roughly 150 to 160 screens in total. Despite facing numerous hurdles, I finally managed to successfully complete the “Back Office Admin” module within a span of 25 days. “Back Office Admin” The name itself does have a somewhat horror ring to it for me at the time. But all jesting aside, I was genuinely relieved to have accomplished this feat.

As the moment approached for the client presentation of my module, uncertainty loomed over thinking about who would take the reins and stand before the client to present the design. I had assumed that my senior would take up this role. I vividly recall the day when my senior informed me, “Hey, you’ve worked on this module, and it’s your responsibility to make the presentation.” At that very instant, I couldn’t help but think, “Oh god, help me through this.” My hands trembled, and I felt far from prepared for the upcoming presentation.

In the wake of this revelation, I began my preparations for the design demonstration. Eventually, the moment arrived, and my senior asked me to start the presentation. Drawing in a deep breath, I began.

Initially, I presented a complete overview of the entire module with details regarding the available menus, our overarching design approach, and the step-by-step progression of our design methodology. Within this context, I explained our primary objectives and how we successfully attained them. Then I gave them a walkthrough of the design and each screen in detail with a comprehensive description of the specific module, in line with the client’s explicit requirement for a detailed design explanation.

During my initial demonstration, I showcased a grand total of 160 slides, an enriching experience in itself. Throughout the presentation, the client posed several inquiries, to which I lent keen attention and replied with utmost politeness and clarity.

Following the presentation, I gleaned valuable insights. The presentation itself has two distinct modes: the first is the online presentation, and the second, is the offline presentation. Mine was online, giving me certain advantages. Nevertheless, it is crucial to bear this point in mind to ensure the success of your own presentations.

1. Embrace Self-Assuredness: Confidence is a constant factor, even when you occasionally misspeak. Regardless of what you express, do so with unwavering confidence.

2. Begin with Confidence: As you commence your demo or presentation, initiate with a warm greeting and introduce yourself.

3. Harness the Power of Your Voice: During an online presentation, your voice takes center stage as your unique identity. Therefore, it’s crucial to employ a clear and composed tone, maintain pauses between sentences, and avoid speaking too rapidly. Allow your audience ample time to ask questions if they have any.

4. Clarify Screen Details: During any type of demo or presentation, provide a comprehensive overview of the specific screen, covering everything from the header to the footer.

5. Center Your Core Message: Concentrate on your primary message—why you’re introducing this particular design and the underlying process behind it.

6. Client Q&A Etiquette: During design discussions, clients often pose numerous questions. It’s essential to attentively listen to their queries and respond politely. If you’re unsure about a particular point, kindly express, “I’m not certain about this at the moment, but I’ll certainly follow up with you to provide a thorough response.”

These are the key points you should embrace to excel in your presentation. With these thoughts in mind, I’m signing off and will be back soon with a new, engaging blog post.

About the Author: Madhuri Vinchurkar is a passionate UI/UX designer working at Mantra Labs. With a keen eye for creating seamless and visually captivating digital experiences, she has honed her skills in crafting user-centered designs that not only look great but also offer intuitive interactions.


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10 Analytics Tools to Guide Data-Driven Design

Analytics are essential for informing website redesigns since they offer insightful data on user behavior, website performance, and areas that may be improved. Here is a list of frequently used analytics tools to guide data-driven design that can be applied at different stages of the website redesign process. 

Analytics Tools to Guide Data-Driven Design

1. Google Analytics:

Use case scenario: Website Audit, Research, Analysis, and Technical Assessment
Usage: Find popular sites, entry/exit points, and metrics related to user engagement by analyzing traffic sources, user demographics, and behavior flow. Recognize regions of friction or pain points by understanding user journeys. Evaluate the performance of your website, taking note of conversion rates, bounce rates, and page load times.

2. Hotjar:

Use case scenario: Research, Analysis, Heat Maps, User Experience Evaluation
Usage: Use session recordings, user surveys, and heatmaps to learn more about how people interact with the website. Determine the high and low engagement regions and any usability problems, including unclear navigation or form abandonment. Utilizing behavior analysis and feedback, ascertain the intentions and preferences of users.

3. Crazy Egg:
Use case scenario: Website Audit, Research, Analysis
Usage: Like Hotjar, with Crazy Egg, you can create heatmaps, scrollmaps, and clickmaps to show how users interact with the various website elements. Determine trends, patterns, and areas of interest in user behaviour. To evaluate various design aspects and gauge their effect on user engagement and conversions, utilize A/B testing functionalities.

4. SEMrush:

Use case scenario: Research, Analysis, SEO Optimization
Usage: Conduct keyword research to identify relevant search terms and phrases related to the website’s content and industry. Analyze competitor websites to understand their SEO strategies and identify opportunities for improvement. Monitor website rankings, backlinks, and organic traffic to track the effectiveness of SEO efforts.

5. Similarweb:
Use case
scenario: Research, Website Traffic, and Demography, Competitor Analysis
Usage: By offering insights into the traffic sources, audience demographics, and engagement metrics of competitors, Similarweb facilitates website redesigns. It influences marketing tactics, SEO optimization, content development, and decision-making processes by pointing out areas for growth and providing guidance. During the research and analysis stage, use Similarweb data to benchmark against competitors and guide design decisions.

6. Moz:
Use case scenario: Research, Analysis, SEO Optimization
Usage: Conduct website audits in order to find technical SEO problems like missing meta tags, duplicate content, and broken links. Keep an eye on a website’s indexability and crawlability to make sure search engines can access and comprehend its material. To find and reject backlinks that are spammy or of poor quality, use link analysis tools.

7. Ahrefs:
Use case scenario:
Research, Analysis, SEO Optimization

Usage: Examine the backlink profiles of your rivals to find any gaps in your own backlink portfolio and possible prospects for link-building. Examine the performance of your content to find the most popular pages and subjects that appeal to your target market. Track social media activity and brand mentions to gain insight into your online reputation and presence.

8. Google Search Console:

Use case scenario: Technical Assessment, SEO Optimization
Usage: Monitor website indexing status, crawl errors, and security issues reported by Google. Submit XML sitemaps and individual URLs for indexing. Identify and fix mobile usability issues, structured data errors, and manual actions that may affect search engine visibility.

9. Adobe Analytics:
Use case scenario:
Website Audit, Research, Analysis,
Usage: Track user interactions across multiple channels and touchpoints, including websites, mobile apps, and offline interactions. Segment users based on demographics, behavior, and lifecycle stage to personalize marketing efforts and improve user experience. Utilize advanced analytics features such as path analysis, cohort analysis, and predictive analytics to uncover actionable insights.

10. Google Trends:

Use case scenario: Content Strategy, Keyword Research, User Intent Analysis
Usage: For competitor analysis, user intent analysis, and keyword research, Google Trends is used in website redesigns. It helps in content strategy, seasonal planning, SEO optimization, and strategic decision-making. It directs the production of user-centric content, increasing traffic and engagement, by spotting trends and insights.

About the Author:

Vijendra is currently working as a Sr. UX Designer at Mantra Labs. He is passionate about UXR and Product Design.


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