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Smart Clothing Booming the Textile Industry

Once confined to fiction movies, Mark L of Iron man is gradually coming to life in our real world. With nanotech being under the cusp of major transformation, growth in the smart clothing industry has increased by leaps and bounds. 

According to a report released by a business consulting firm Grand View Research, the global smart fabrics market was worth $878.9 million in 2018, and it’s expected to reach $5.55 billion by 2025, with North America having the largest market share.

After rigid technologies like smartwatches and fitness trackers, the wearable market is being further invaded by smart clothing. However being sold as wearable tech, most of the time it turns out being cumbersome, awkward or never really working as it was expected to be. Nevertheless, the talk of a new feature is just around the corner. 

With wear-ability in mind, unlike the existing technology, the evolving smart clothing has no impact on the handle, drape, stretch or breathability of the fabric. It is a fresh piece of tech that allows assembling electronic systems directly onto garments, enabling a new generation of truly-wearable smart clothing. 

List of Smart Clothing Technology Booming the Textile Industry

DuPont Intexar

DuPont Advanced Materials has created electronic ink and film tech technology called DuPont Intexar. This technology can be directly embedded into the garment for easy and seamless integration into multiple apparel applications such as fitness, heat, and health; and has already been integrated into the Owlet Band wearable, which monitors a baby during pregnancy.


Cyrcadia’s development of the iTbra uses heat sensors to track the temperature fluctuations in a woman’s breasts. From this data, it maps out the wearer’s circadian pattern, or daily norms and helps determine the presence of cancer.

RFID Microchip

Microchip implants are now being used to replace keys and passwords. Though not on textiles, these microchips are being directly embedded into the body parts like the fingertips. The chip uses near-field communication (NFC) or radio-frequency identification (RFID) and is similar to the chips used to track lost pets. The U.S. military is reportedly considering using RFID chips to keep track of its troops around the world.

RFID microchip implants
RFID microchip implants

Pireta’s e-textile

The UK startup Pireta aims at innovating the wearable technology. Pireta’s technology creates genuinely wearable smart clothing without impacting the comfort of the apparel. The e-textile attaches a thin, highly-durable metallic layer at the fibre level, resulting in excellent conductivity.

Power Saver Smart Clothing

With the invention of smart clothing by the Singapore researchers, power banks would be a thing of the past. Researchers in Singapore have invented clothes that can boost connectivity and save battery life on wireless devices such as headphones and smartwatches.

Future of Smart Clothing

Gartner forecasts that worldwide wearable devices shipment will reach 225 million in 2019, an increase of 25.8 per cent from 2018. It also states- smart clothing will be one of the fastest-growing textile trends, increasing from 4.12 million shipments in 2017 to a predicted 19.91 million by 2022.

Could this genuinely wearable tech be the next big thing in the textile space? Could it really revolutionise healthcare defence and other ecosystems?

Comment below and let us know what you think.

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Design Systems: Building and Maintaining Consistent UI/UX

In the world of product design, consistency is the cornerstone of delivering a seamless user experience. As digital products evolve and scale, the challenge of maintaining design consistency across multiple platforms, teams, and touchpoints becomes more complex. This is where design systems come in. A design system is a comprehensive set of guidelines, components, and tools that help designers and developers create a consistent and cohesive user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). From a designer’s perspective, building and maintaining a design system requires a strategic approach to ensure scalability, flexibility, and alignment with business goals.

Why Design Systems Matter?

Design systems are more than just style guides or pattern libraries. They offer a unified language for design and development, bridging the gap between creativity and functionality. Here are a few reasons why they are critical:

  1. Consistency Across Products

      One of the primary goals of a design system is to ensure uniformity across different platforms and devices. When users interact with a product, whether on a website or a mobile app, they expect a consistent experience. A well-implemented design system ensures that visual elements, interactions, and behaviors are aligned, offering a familiar and intuitive experience for users.