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6G And The Future Customer Experience

3 minutes 24 seconds read

The world is rapidly approaching a future where the distinction between the real and virtual worlds is becoming increasingly blurred. We’re heading toward a more connected world that has meaningful interactions between humans and machines. And 6G will accelerate this experience for the customers and businesses.

When it comes to technological innovations, advanced countries like U.S.-China have always been one step ahead. While majority of the globe is yet to experience 5G, US and China are racing to develop and patent the 6G network. Chinese organization, Huawei Technologies Co. predicts that 6G technology will enter the market by 2030.

Image Source: Nokia

3G enabled human mobile connectivity, 4G enabled social interaction, and 5G enabled IoT devices to sense and communicate. What about 6G?

In one of the recent videos posted by Nokia, Peter Vetter, president of Bell Research Labs Core Research Labs said, “6G will enable holographic communication as if people would be able to teleport to each other’s environment and work on the same thing as if they’re in the same room.”

6G network is anticipated to offer cost savings, 10 times lower latency, 100 times higher connection density, geo-location accuracy, etc. It will have space-air-ground-sea integrated networks to meet the global coverage demand. Satellite communication, UAV communication, and maritime communication will significantly expand the coverage range of wireless communication networks.

Image Source: Science China Information Sciences

Impact of 6G on Future Customer Experience:

6G will be 100 times faster than 5G and will enable data transmission within seconds. Let’s look at the impacts of 6G on the future customer experience.

  1. Seamless Phygital experience: With the 6G technology, embedded sensors will allow digital representations to construct digital twins of people, actual objects, and their surroundings, converging the physical and digital world. 6G will also boost the metaverse and mixed reality experiences for the customers by offering the required peed and efficiency required.
  1. Faster Speed: 6G will enable us to stream videos faster and download 100 hours of video within seconds. This will surely have numerous use cases for businesses to increase their efficiency and improve customer experience. For example, this can be highly useful for the insurers in making the claims process faster and more accurate.
  1. Intelligent and connected Devices: Experts predict that 6G will be able to support 10 times the number of devices and will be 100 times more reliable. The technology will build a more connected ecosystem where all the devices will be in sync with each other. For example, maybe the future self driving cars maybe able to know where other vehicles are. Instead of tracking high traffic locations, vehicles might be able to communicate and coordinate with each other and save travel time for riders. All this would be possible if the network connectivity is strong and fast.
  1. Real-time experience: We’ve been talking about meetings and storefronts in the metaverse. The world is moving into a space where there is no boundary between the two realities. Maybe a customer would want to visit the store in the comfort of his home, converse with the salesperson face-to-face and have a real-time experience.  


Japan’s NTT DOCOMO has partnered with Nokia to start indoor 6G trials this fiscal year, and outdoor trials next year. 

While there is still time for commercialization of 6G, it’s usage might turn science fiction into reality. Real-time holograms, flying taxis, and the internet-connected human brains might be the future. To facilitate the next-gen of technology, we need a next-gen network that could define the future of communication.


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Bringing Interfaces to Life: The role of animation in UI and UX

Interfaces are everywhere. The user experience encompasses the overall experience a user has while interacting with a product or service. Animation, in the context of UI and UX design, involves adding motion to these visual elements to create a more engaging and intuitive user experience. Animation may serve a functional purpose by guiding users or providing feedback.

Think of motion as a design tool in your UX journey. It should help achieve the user’s goals or contribute in some way to enhance the experience. Animation shouldn’t be distracting or excessive. In other words, if it gets in the way of the user accomplishing a task or takes up more seconds for what should be a quick task, then it becomes unnecessary and annoying.

One common example of animation in UI design is the loading spinner. Instead of staring at a static screen while waiting for a page to load, a spinning animation lets users know that something is happening in the background. This simple animation helps manage user expectations and reduces frustration.

Introducing animations to the interface serves a psychological purpose as well. One aspect involves ensuring users remain informed throughout their interaction, minimizing ambiguity. Uncertainty can lead to user anxiety; for instance, if a page is loading without any interface feedback, incorporating a micro animation can be beneficial in providing reassurance. Although not all problems may need animations, adding them increases their appeal.

In recent years, several applications have pushed the boundaries of animation in UI and UX design. One notable example is the Duolingo app, which uses playful animations and interactive elements to make language learning fun and engaging. Interactive animations can gamify the user experience, making mundane tasks more engaging and Duolingo has used this to its advantage. Another example is the Headspace app, which employs calming animations and transitions to create a serene user experience. 

Let’s look at Duolingo’s application which embraces animation to engage the user’s attention. It keeps users hooked and gives them the comfort of gamification. This not only makes the information more visually appealing but also helps users quickly understand the current stage. It keeps the user hooked throughout the level with its cute animations.

Credits: Kim Lyons 

Additionally, captivating animations can also serve to promote and enhance the appeal of your product. 

Micro-animations extend beyond just the gamification of applications; they can also be leveraged to enrich the aesthetics and express the essence of your product. They contribute to making your website feel more alive and interactive, elevating the overall user experience.


In essence, animation in UI and UX design is not merely about adding visual flair, it’s about creating meaningful interactions that enhance user engagement and satisfaction. From improving usability to expressing brand identity and personality, animation has the potential to transform digital interfaces into dynamic and memorable experiences. Whether it’s guiding users through a process or providing feedback animation, it has the power to elevate the overall user experience. Next time you witness animation appreciate the magic that brings it to life, you might just be amazed by its impact.

About the Author: 

Shivani Shukla is a Senior UI & UX designer at Mantra Labs. It’s been a while since she started her journey as a designer. Updating her knowledge and staying up to date with the current trends has always been her priority.


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