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How we used RetinaNet for dense shape detection in live imagery

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have come a long way in conveniently identifying objects in images and videos. Networks like VGG19, ResNet, YOLO, SSD, R-CNN, DensepathNet, DualNet, Xception, Inception, PolyNet, MobileNet, and many more have evolved over time. Their range of applications lies in detecting space availability in a parking lot, satellite image analysis to track ships and agricultural output, radiology, people count, detecting words in vehicle license plates and storefronts, circuits/machinery fault analysis, medical diagnosis, etc.

Facebook AI Research (FAIR) has recently published RetinaNet architecture which uses Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) with ResNet. This architecture demonstrates higher accuracy in situations where speed is not really important. RetinaNet is built on top of FPN using ResNet.

Comparing tradeoff between speed and accuracy of different CNNs

Google offers benchmark comparison to calculate tradeoff between speed and accuracy of various networks using MS COCO dataset to train the models in TensorFlow. It gives us a benchmark to understand the best model that provides a balance between speed and accuracy. According to researchers, Faster R-CNN is more accurate, whereas R-FCN and FCN show better inference time (i.e. their speed is higher). Inception and ResNet are implementations of Faster R-CNN. MobileNet is an implementation of SSD.

Faster R-CNN implementations show an overall mAP (mean average precision) of around 30, which is highest for feature extraction. And, at the same time, its accuracy is also highest at around 80.5%. MobileNet R-FCN implementation has a lower mAP of around 15. Therefore, its accuracy drops down to about 71.5%. 

Thus, we can say — SSD implementations work best for detecting larger objects whereas, Faster R-CNN and R-FCN are better at detecting small objects.

speed and accuracy of various CNNs

On the COCO dataset, Faster R-CNN has average mAP for IoU (intersection-over-union) from 0.5 to 0.95 (mAP@[0.5, 0.95]) as 21.9% . R-FCN has mAP of 31.5% . SSD300 and SSD512 have mAPs of 23.2 and 26.8 respectively . YOLO-V2 is at 21.6% whereas YOLO-V3 is at 33% . FPN delivers 33.9% . RetinaNet stands highest at 40.8%.

RetinaNet- AP vs speed comparison
The two variations of RetinaNet are compared above for AP vs speed (ms) for inference.

One-stage detector vs two-stage detectors for shape detection

A One-stage detector scans for candidate objects sampled for around 100000 locations in the image that densely covers the spatial extent. This does not let the class balance between background and foreground. 

A Two-stage detector first narrows down the number of candidate objects on up to 2000 locations and separates them from the background in the first stage. It then classifies each candidate object in the second stage, thus managing the class balance. But, because of the smaller number of locations in the sample, many objects might escape detection. 

Faster R-CNN is an implementation of the two-stage detector. RetinaNet, an implementation of one stage detector addresses this class imbalance and efficiently detects all objects.

Focal Loss: a new loss function

This function focuses on training on hard negatives. It is defined as-

focal loss function


focal loss function

and p = sigmoid output score.

The greeks are hyperparameters.

When a sample classification is inappropriate and pₜ is small, it does not affect the loss. Gamma is a focusing parameter and adjusts the rate at which the easy samples are down-weighted. Samples get down-weighted when their classification is inappropriate and pₜ is close to 1. When gamma is 0, the focal loss is close to the cross-entropy loss. Upon increasing gamma, the effect of modulating factor also increases.

RetinaNet Backbone

The new loss function called Focal loss increases the accuracy significantly. Essentially it is a one-stage detector Feature Pyramid Network with Focal loss replacing the cross-entropy loss. 

Hard negative mining in a single shot detector and Faster R-CNN addresses the class imbalance by downsampling the dominant samples. On the contrary, RetinaNet addresses it by changing the weights in the loss function. The following diagram explains the architecture.

RetinaNet architecture

Here, deep feature extraction uses ResNet. Using FPN on top of ResNet further helps in constructing a multi-scale feature pyramid from a single resolution image. FPN is fast to compute and works efficiently on multiscale.


We used ResNet50-FPN pre-trained on MS COCO to identify humans in the photo. The threshold is set above a score of 0.5. The following images show the result with markings and confidence values.

Dense shape detection
Human shape detection

We further tried to detect other objects like chairs.

RetinaNet object detection

Conclusion: It’s great to know that training on the COCO dataset can detect objects from unknown scenes. The object detection in the scenes took 5-7 seconds. So far, we have put filters of human or chair in results. RetinaNet can detect all the identifiable objects in the scene.

Multiple objects detection using RetinaNet

The different objects detected with their score are listed below-


Next, we will be interested in working on a model good in detecting objects in the larger depth of the image, which the current ResNet50-FPN could not do.

About author: Harsh Vardhan is a Tech Lead in the Development Department of Mantra Labs. He is integral to AI-based development and deployment of projects at Mantra Labs.

General FAQs

What is RetinaNet?

RetinaNet is a type of CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) architecture published by Facebook AI Research also known as FAIR. It uses the Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) with ResNet. RetinaNet is widely used for detecting objects in live imagery (real-time monitoring systems). This architecture demonstrates a high-level of accuracy, but with a little compromise in speed. In the experiment we conducted, it took 5-7 seconds for object detection in live scenes.Dense shape detection - RetinaNet

What is RetinaNet Model?

RetinaNet model comprises of a backbone network and two task-specific sub-networks. The backbone network is a Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) built on ResNet. It is responsible for computing a convolution feature (object) from the input imagery. The two subnetworks are responsible for the classification and box regression, i.e. one subnet predicts the possibility of the object being present at a particular spatial location and the other subnetwork outputs the object location for the anchor box.

What is Focal Loss?

The focal loss function focuses on training on hard negatives. In other words, the focal loss function is an algorithm for improving Average Precision (AP) in single-stage object detectors. It is defined as-RetinaNet focal loss function

What is SSD Network?

Single Shot Detector (SSD) can detect multiple objects in an image in a single shot, hence the name. 
The beauty of SSD networks is that it predicts the boundaries itself and has no assigned region proposal network. SSD networks can predict the boundary boxes and classes from feature maps in just one pass by using small convolutional filters.

Glossary of Terms related to convolutional neural networks


Deep Learning uses Convolutional neural networks (CNN) for analyzing visual imagery. It consists of an input and output layer and multiple intermediate layers. In CNN programming, the input is called a tensor, which is usually an image or a video frame. It passes through the convolutional layer forming an abstract feature map identifying different shapes.


The process of combining region proposals with CNN is called as R-CNN. Region proposals are the smaller parts of the original image that have a probability of containing the desired shape/object. The R-CNN algorithm creates several region proposals and each of them goes to the CNN network for better dense shape detection.


Residual Neural Network (ResNet) utilizes skip connections to jump over some layers. Classical CNNs do not perform when the depth of the network increases beyond a certain threshold. Most of the ResNet models are implemented with double or triple layer skips with batch normalization in between. ResNet helps in the training of deeper networks.


You only look once (YOLO) is a real-time object detection system. It is faster than most other neural networks for detecting shapes and objects. Unlike other systems, it applies neural network functions to the entire image, optimizing the detection performance.


It is Facebook’s AI Research arm for understanding the nature of intelligence and creating intelligent machines. The main research areas at FAIR include Computer Vision, Conversational AI, Integrity, Natural Language Processing, Ranking and Recommendations, System Research, Theory, Speech & Audio, and Human & Machine Intelligence.


Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) is a feature extractor designed for achieving speed and accuracy in detecting objects or shapes. It generates multiple feature map layers with better quality information for object detection.

COCO Dataset

Common Objects in Context (COCO) is a large-scale dataset for detecting, segmenting, and captioning any object. 


Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) transforms the height and width of the intermediate layer (feature map) back to the original size so that predictions have a one-to-one correspondence with the input image. 


R-FCN corresponds to a region-based fully convolutional network. It is mainly used for feature detection. R-FCN comprises region-based feature maps that are independent of region proposals (ROI) and carry computation outside of ROIs. It is much simpler and about 20 times faster than R-CNN. 


It is an open-source software library developed by Google Brain for a range of dataflow and differential programming applications. It is also useful in neural network programming. 

Also read – How are Medical Images shared among Healthcare Enterprises


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Embracing the Digital Frontier: Transforming the Patient Journey in Pharma

In the realm of pharmaceuticals, the digital revolution is not just a buzzword; it’s a seismic shift reshaping the landscape of patient care. From discovery to delivery, digital technologies are revolutionizing every facet of the pharmaceutical industry. One of the most profound impacts is evident in the patient journey. Today’s Patients are more informed, engaged, and empowered than ever, thanks to the proliferation of digital tools and platforms. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the multifaceted ways digital is redefining the patient journey in pharmaceuticals.

According to a report by Accenture on the rise of digital health, these are the key challenges to overcome:

  • 99% of respondents indicated that the development and commercialization of Digital Health solutions has accelerated in the past two years. As part of this, companies require various new and strengthened capabilities to execute their visions. 
  • Patients and health professionals need to trust that the data collected is accurate, safe, and secure for them to feel comfortable using it. 
  • Fragmented data or lack of access to data has been a barrier to development. An overarching guideline on data privacy is needed.

Leveraging Digital Solutions for Accessible Drug Delivery

In the pharmaceutical industry, the journey of medication from production facilities to patients’ hands is evolving with the integration of digital solutions. These technologies not only streamline logistics but also ensure that medications reach even the most remote and underserved areas. Let’s delve into how digital innovations are transforming drug delivery and backend channels in the pharmaceutical industry.

Digital Backend Channels and Supply Chain Management:

Pharmaceutical firms leverage digital tech for efficient backend operations. Software like SAP Integrated Business Planning and Oracle SCM Cloud enable real-time tracking, inventory management, and demand forecasting. With AI and analytics, companies adapt to market changes swiftly, ensuring timely medication delivery and optimized supply chain logistics.

Innovative Digital Drug Delivery Technologies:

  1. Controlled Monitoring Systems: Digital temperature monitoring systems provide digital temperature monitoring solutions using IoT sensors and cloud platforms, safeguarding temperature-sensitive medications during transit, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and minimizing product spoilage risk.
  1. Last-Mile Delivery Platforms: Zipline and, along with LogiNext, employ digital last-mile delivery solutions, using drones and AI-powered logistics to transport vital medical supplies efficiently to remote regions, improving accessibility for underserved communities.
  1. Telemedicine Integration with Prescription: Integrated telemedicine and prescription platforms, like Connect2Clinic, are rapidly growing in response to COVID-19. With telehealth claims at 38 times pre-pandemic levels, the industry is projected to hit $82 billion by 2028, with a 16.5% annual growth rate. Mantra Labs partnered with Connect2Clinic, enabling seamless coordination between healthcare providers, pharmacies, and patients. This facilitates virtual consultations and electronic prescribing, benefiting remote patients with medical advice and prescriptions without in-person visits. These platforms enhance healthcare access, medication adherence, and patient engagement through personalized care plans and reminders.
  1. Community Health Worker Apps: CommCare and mHealth empower community health workers with digital tools for medication distribution, education, and patient monitoring. Customizable modules enable tracking inventories, health assessments, and targeted interventions, extending pharmaceutical reach to remote communities, and ensuring essential medications reach those in need.

Through the strategic deployment of digital solutions in drug delivery and backend channels, pharmaceutical companies are overcoming barriers to access and revolutionizing healthcare delivery worldwide. By embracing innovation and collaboration, they are not only improving patient outcomes but also advancing toward a more equitable and inclusive healthcare system.

Personalized Medicine:

Wearable devices and mobile apps enable personalized medicine by collecting real-time health data and tailoring treatment plans to individual needs. For example, fitness trackers monitor activity and vital signs, customizing exercise and medication. Personalized medicine optimizes efficacy, minimizes adverse effects, and enhances patient satisfaction by leveraging patient-specific data.

Enhanced Patient Engagement:

Pharmaceutical firms utilize digital platforms for patient engagement, fostering support and education during treatment. Through social media, mobile apps, and online communities, patients connect, access resources, and receive professional support. Two-way communication enhances collaboration and decision-making, boosting treatment adherence, health outcomes, and consumer loyalty. Click here to know more.

Data-Driven Insights:

The abundance of healthcare data offers pharma companies unique opportunities to understand patient behavior and treatment patterns. By leveraging big data analytics and artificial intelligence, they extract actionable insights from various sources like electronic health records and clinical trials. These insights inform targeted marketing, product development, and patient support programs. However, ensuring data privacy and security is crucial, requiring robust regulatory frameworks and transparent practices in the digital era.

Challenges and Considerations:

Maximizing the benefits of digital technologies requires addressing challenges like patient data privacy and equitable access to healthcare tech. Stringent safeguards are needed to protect confidentiality and trust, alongside efforts to bridge the digital divide. Regulatory frameworks must evolve to balance innovation with patient safety and security amidst rapid advancements in digital health.

Key Considerations for Pharma Companies in Embracing Digital Innovation:

  • Prioritize patient-centricity in digital initiatives, focusing on improving patient outcomes and experiences.
  • Invest in robust data privacy and security measures to build and maintain patient trust.
  • Foster collaboration and partnerships with technology companies and healthcare providers to drive innovation and scalability.
  • Leverage analytics and AI to derive actionable insights from healthcare data and inform decision-making processes.
  • Continuously monitor and adapt to regulatory requirements and industry standards to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.


The digital revolution is not just a paradigm shift but a catalyst for transformation across the pharmaceutical industry. By embracing digital technologies, pharma companies can unlock new opportunities to enhance the patient journey, improve treatment outcomes, and drive sustainable growth. However, realizing the full potential of digital health requires collaboration, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to addressing the challenges and considerations inherent in this transformative journey. As we navigate the digital frontier, the future of patient care promises to be more connected, personalized, and empowering than ever before.


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