A Smart bulb isn’t just your everyday bulb. They don’t just rest in a holder to do nothing besides provide light like a basic bulb would. That’s dull, and in the IoT Technology Space, things aren’t meant to be dull. The basic idea was to be in command of several operations a light bulb would perform through a mobile application. You don’t have to worry about sleeping with the lights left on, all light long as a smart bulb can communicate with your fit bit and sense when you are asleep and will then turn off on its own.
You don’t need dimmer to dim
Remember when you had to install dimmer switches in your home just to make the light a little dim for setting the ambiance? Like many other features, a Smart Bulb offers, dimming the light through buttons/sliders built within the application that controls it. Changing colors of the lights according to your mood is another thing a Smart Bulb is usually capable of. They can also integrate with home automation systems like Apple Home Kit and Nest which maximizes its potential in the field of Security.
Control from anywhere/Multiple users can use them
The basic idea of integrating a LED to operate on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or In-Home Automation Networks is what a Smart Bulb is created on. It can be used by multiple users when paired with a specific system operated on a single user account in the application.
Technical Specification:
Connectivity: Bluetooth/Wifi
Powered by : Andriod and mobile apps
With the market for such small IoT technologies growing at almost 13% each quarter, various manufacturers are now trying to integrate new age smart bulbs with features like built-in camera, motion sensors, and sound system. The industry pioneers, like Philips and LIFX have already started producing such products and controlling the lights of your home from a remote location is no longer a fantasy!
The project is currently under progress.
For more information on “Smart Bulb” and other latest technology, services please go to this link https://www.mantralabsglobal.com/services/
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