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Android Developers: 3 latest new features in Android


Many new updates happened for Android developers lately after Google I/O. Initially there was no restriction on some features but now they have updated them with some restrictions.

We have covered new features and the old features as well with new restrictions.

Here are the old features with new restrictions:

• Background Execution Limits

Whenever an app runs in the background, it consumes some of the device’s limited resources, like RAM. This can result in an impaired user experience, especially if the user is using a resource-intensive app, such as playing a game or watching a video.
To lower the chance of these problems, Android O places limitations on what apps can do while users aren’t directly interacting with them. Apps are restricted in two ways:

Background Service Limitations: When an app’s service is running in the background might consume device resources which may lead to bad user experience, to avoid these type of issues Android system applies a number of limitations on background services, this does not apply to foreground services, which are more noticeable to the user.
Broadcast Limitations: Apps targeted Android O can not use their manifest to register for implicit broadcasts. They can still register for these broadcasts at runtime, and they can use the manifest to register for explicit broadcasts targeted specifically at their app.

Note: The restrictions are applied by default applied to apps which are targeting Android O and in terms of other applications users can enable these restrictions from the Settings screen even if the app has not targeted Android O.

• Android Background Location Limits

Considering battery usage and user experience , background apps which are using Android locations APIs to fetch the user’s location will receive location updates less frequently when the app is being used in a device running Android O, developers who are using Fused Location Provider (FLP), Geofencing, GNSS Measurements, Location Manager, Wi-Fi Manager will get affected by this change.

• Notifications

  1. Notification Badges

    Notification Badges are the new way of notifying users regarding the new notifications arrived for a particular app, this will display badges on app icons in supported launchers which show notifications associated with one or more notification channels in an app, which the user has not yet dismissed or acted on.

  2. Notification Channels

    Using Notification channels developers can group their application’s notifications by category so that the user can apply few characteristics basing on the notification category. When you target Android O, you must implement one or more notification channels to display notifications to your users. If you don’t target Android O, your apps behave the same as they do on Android 7.0 when running on Android O devices.

Google says that the following characteristics can be applied to notification channels and that when the user assigns one of these, it will be applied channel- wide and they are as follows

  • Importance
  • Sound
  • Lights
  • Vibration
  • Show on lock screen
  • Override do not disturb

Here are some new features:

• New in UI and Styling

There are bunch of new features of UI and Styling are introduced in Android O and are as follows

1. Fonts

Android introduced fonts in XML through which we can use custom fonts as resources, You can add your custom font file in res/font/ folder to bundle fonts as resources and can access as a normal resource file and Android Support Library 26 introduce support for APIs to request fonts from a provider application instead of bundling files into your project which helps in reducing your application size
To use these font features on devices running Android API version 14 and higher, a developer needs to use the Support Library 26.

2. Auto Sizing Textviews

By using Support Library 26 Beta developers can now instruct to their app’s Textview to automatically increase or decrease the size to fit perfectly within the boundaries of the Textview.

3. Adaptive Icons

Adaptive icons can display app’s launcher icons in a variety of shapes across different devices for instance in Google Nexus the launcher icon might be in circular and in some Samsung device it might be squircle. Google says that with Android O, each device can provide a mask for the icon, which the OS can use to render all icons with the same shape. This will likely be embraced by OEMs(Original Equipment Manufacturer) who would like to have some unique looking home screens.

4. Autofill Framework

This framework will help the user by pre-filling the user information and user can save time as Filling out forms is a time-consuming and error-prone task. Users can easily get frustrated with apps that require these type of tasks. The Autofill Framework improves the user experience by providing the following benefits:

Less time spent in filling fields Autofill saves users from re-typing information.
Minimize user input errors Typing is prone to errors, especially on mobile devices. Removing the necessity of typing information also removes the errors that come with it.

• Picture in Picture Mode

In Android 7.0, Android TV users can now watch a video in a pinned window in a corner of the screen when navigating within or between apps whereas it was not available to other devices whereas from Android O Picture in Picture is available to all the devices, not just the Android TV.

• Kotlin For Android

Java is the mostly used programming language for the development of Android, When you run a Java application, the app is compiled into a set of instructions called Bytecode and runs in a virtual machine. Many alternative Languages has been introduced to also run on the JVM through which the resulting app looks the same for the JVM
JetBrains, known for IntelliJ IDEA (Android Studio is based on IntelliJ), has introduced the Kotlin language.Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the JVM. It can also be compiled to JavaScript source code.

Why Kotlin For Android?

  • Interoperability with Java
  • Intuitive and easy to read
  • Good Android Studio Support
  • Safe to avoid entire classes of errors such as null pointer exceptions.
  • Less to write compared to Java
  • Safe to avoid entire classes of errors such as null pointer exceptions.
  • Versatile for building server-side applications, Android apps or frontend code running in the browser.

Stay tuned for more new updates on Android.

Check out these articles to catch the latest trends in mobile apps:

  1. 7 Important Points To Consider Before Developing A Mobile App
  2. The Clash of Clans: Kotlin Vs. Flutter
  3. Google for India September event 2019 key highlights
  4. Learn Ionic Framework From Scratch in Less Than 15 Minutes!
  5. AI in Mobile Development
  6. 10 Reasons to Learn Swift Programming Language

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Embracing the Digital Frontier: Transforming the Patient Journey in Pharma

In the realm of pharmaceuticals, the digital revolution is not just a buzzword; it’s a seismic shift reshaping the landscape of patient care. From discovery to delivery, digital technologies are revolutionizing every facet of the pharmaceutical industry. One of the most profound impacts is evident in the patient journey. Today’s Patients are more informed, engaged, and empowered than ever, thanks to the proliferation of digital tools and platforms. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the multifaceted ways digital is redefining the patient journey in pharmaceuticals.

According to a report by Accenture on the rise of digital health, these are the key challenges to overcome:

  • 99% of respondents indicated that the development and commercialization of Digital Health solutions has accelerated in the past two years. As part of this, companies require various new and strengthened capabilities to execute their visions. 
  • Patients and health professionals need to trust that the data collected is accurate, safe, and secure for them to feel comfortable using it. 
  • Fragmented data or lack of access to data has been a barrier to development. An overarching guideline on data privacy is needed.

Leveraging Digital Solutions for Accessible Drug Delivery

In the pharmaceutical industry, the journey of medication from production facilities to patients’ hands is evolving with the integration of digital solutions. These technologies not only streamline logistics but also ensure that medications reach even the most remote and underserved areas. Let’s delve into how digital innovations are transforming drug delivery and backend channels in the pharmaceutical industry.

Digital Backend Channels and Supply Chain Management:

Pharmaceutical firms leverage digital tech for efficient backend operations. Software like SAP Integrated Business Planning and Oracle SCM Cloud enable real-time tracking, inventory management, and demand forecasting. With AI and analytics, companies adapt to market changes swiftly, ensuring timely medication delivery and optimized supply chain logistics.

Innovative Digital Drug Delivery Technologies:

  1. Controlled Monitoring Systems: Digital temperature monitoring systems provide digital temperature monitoring solutions using IoT sensors and cloud platforms, safeguarding temperature-sensitive medications during transit, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and minimizing product spoilage risk.
  1. Last-Mile Delivery Platforms: Zipline and, along with LogiNext, employ digital last-mile delivery solutions, using drones and AI-powered logistics to transport vital medical supplies efficiently to remote regions, improving accessibility for underserved communities.
  1. Telemedicine Integration with Prescription: Integrated telemedicine and prescription platforms, like Connect2Clinic, are rapidly growing in response to COVID-19. With telehealth claims at 38 times pre-pandemic levels, the industry is projected to hit $82 billion by 2028, with a 16.5% annual growth rate. Mantra Labs partnered with Connect2Clinic, enabling seamless coordination between healthcare providers, pharmacies, and patients. This facilitates virtual consultations and electronic prescribing, benefiting remote patients with medical advice and prescriptions without in-person visits. These platforms enhance healthcare access, medication adherence, and patient engagement through personalized care plans and reminders.
  1. Community Health Worker Apps: CommCare and mHealth empower community health workers with digital tools for medication distribution, education, and patient monitoring. Customizable modules enable tracking inventories, health assessments, and targeted interventions, extending pharmaceutical reach to remote communities, and ensuring essential medications reach those in need.

Through the strategic deployment of digital solutions in drug delivery and backend channels, pharmaceutical companies are overcoming barriers to access and revolutionizing healthcare delivery worldwide. By embracing innovation and collaboration, they are not only improving patient outcomes but also advancing toward a more equitable and inclusive healthcare system.

Personalized Medicine:

Wearable devices and mobile apps enable personalized medicine by collecting real-time health data and tailoring treatment plans to individual needs. For example, fitness trackers monitor activity and vital signs, customizing exercise and medication. Personalized medicine optimizes efficacy, minimizes adverse effects, and enhances patient satisfaction by leveraging patient-specific data.

Enhanced Patient Engagement:

Pharmaceutical firms utilize digital platforms for patient engagement, fostering support and education during treatment. Through social media, mobile apps, and online communities, patients connect, access resources, and receive professional support. Two-way communication enhances collaboration and decision-making, boosting treatment adherence, health outcomes, and consumer loyalty. Click here to know more.

Data-Driven Insights:

The abundance of healthcare data offers pharma companies unique opportunities to understand patient behavior and treatment patterns. By leveraging big data analytics and artificial intelligence, they extract actionable insights from various sources like electronic health records and clinical trials. These insights inform targeted marketing, product development, and patient support programs. However, ensuring data privacy and security is crucial, requiring robust regulatory frameworks and transparent practices in the digital era.

Challenges and Considerations:

Maximizing the benefits of digital technologies requires addressing challenges like patient data privacy and equitable access to healthcare tech. Stringent safeguards are needed to protect confidentiality and trust, alongside efforts to bridge the digital divide. Regulatory frameworks must evolve to balance innovation with patient safety and security amidst rapid advancements in digital health.

Key Considerations for Pharma Companies in Embracing Digital Innovation:

  • Prioritize patient-centricity in digital initiatives, focusing on improving patient outcomes and experiences.
  • Invest in robust data privacy and security measures to build and maintain patient trust.
  • Foster collaboration and partnerships with technology companies and healthcare providers to drive innovation and scalability.
  • Leverage analytics and AI to derive actionable insights from healthcare data and inform decision-making processes.
  • Continuously monitor and adapt to regulatory requirements and industry standards to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.


The digital revolution is not just a paradigm shift but a catalyst for transformation across the pharmaceutical industry. By embracing digital technologies, pharma companies can unlock new opportunities to enhance the patient journey, improve treatment outcomes, and drive sustainable growth. However, realizing the full potential of digital health requires collaboration, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to addressing the challenges and considerations inherent in this transformative journey. As we navigate the digital frontier, the future of patient care promises to be more connected, personalized, and empowering than ever before.


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